Dreams Come True . . .

Dreams Come True . . .

It’s January, 2026, 5 years from now, Sisimizi Afrika, LLC using a Social network platform, www.sisimiziafrika.com  and 7 One Stop Sisimizi Village Centers in 7 African capital cities is a Million $ company!  It has connected more than 500,000 Africans all over the world to share skills, markets, contacts and costs.  It has helped more than 50,000 of Africans and friends of Africa to fulfill their personal and professional needs back home in Africa and abroad where they live.

Why Sisimizi Afrika was founded . . .

Africans all over the world are facing incredible paradigm shift in the way they approach their life long most important goals abroad and at home in Africa; pursuing education, taking care of their families, health issues, owning a house, having savings for unfortunate illness or untimely death, sending their children to good schools, finding viable business opportunities or partners and creating beneficial retirement programs. 

There are so many good and sad events that are happening to Africans all across the global. I have been very privileged to live and travel around the world, going home to Africa, back and forth, privileged to travel to more than 12 African countries for the past 28 years. I personally have a lot of good and challenging stories i can attest to. There are so many talents, businesses and skills from Africa needed in the world. 

Few of them are documented . . .

In 2008, I co-founded the first Biodiesel manufacturing company in East Africa back home in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Mafuta Sasa Biodiesl Ltd.  In 2009, we won East Africa Renewable Energy Innovator Award for Tanzania and was invited to Netherland and 2010 World Economic Forum. Helped Southern Sun Hotel, a 5 star hotel in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to be the first hotel in East Africa to go green by using our biodiesel in their electric generators.

How did we get here . . .

It was in July, 2000 three best friends met in Boston, Massachusetts, one travelled from Toronto, Canada, one from Montreal, Canada and one from New York City. They haven’t seen each other for a while and they decided to meet and take the load off of the High speed of North America lifestyle.

One occasion they started brainstorming a business venture, after a while they ended up with building an African network that will connect other brothers and sisters to meet and share contacts, skills, markets and costs. They came up with the name of Sisimizi, Sisimizi is Ants in kiswahili. The name was chosen because of the ant’s philosophy. They believe that Africans all over the world if they decided to come together and apply Ants’ philosophy they can accomplish anything they will set their eyes on.

There more than 34 Milions Africans in Diaspora. More than 2 million in USA alone.  Their yearly remittance is more than $52 Billion. What  they send home to Africa is more than all the aids money sent to Africa combine.  

2022 to 2026 . . .

Sisimizi Afika, LLC has grown from 600 users in 2022 to 500,000 users. It’s has 7 One Stop Sisimizi Village Centers in Dar es Slaam, Nairobi, Lusaka, Accra, Lagos, Johannesburg and Dakar. Through it’s five subsidiaries, Sisimizi Villages,  Sisimizi Funds, an investment fund portfolio helping small african businesses to start and grow, Sisimizi Estate, find, fund, build and construct real estate projects around the Continent,  Sisimizi AgriBusiness, purse modern agriculture that leads to food security, improve productivity and production and initiated growth of renewable energy sources and Sisimizi Studio, promoting an African culture renaissance through Movies, Music, Fashion and Art with digital content marketing perspective. 

Our Simplistic approach is three-fold: identify a need; develop a plan to fulfill that need; and unify professional and progressive thinkers who can execute marketing schemes that revitalize the economy in the community.

By 2026, Sisimizi Afrika, LLC and it’s subsidiaries will help to create more than One million employments in Africa Continent.

What Sisimizi Afrika needs NOW . . .

In the next first 2 months of 2022, Sisimizi Afrika, LLC will be seeking partnerships of Banks, Insurance companies, Construction companies, Investment companies, TV/Radio stations, Tourism and Hospitality companies from all corners of Africa, 

Will be seeking investors and individuals who are progressive and reformative Africans from all walks of life to participate in the marketplace with integrity, intelligence and income. Moreover, we encourage friends of Africa to come into our area of enterprises boasting our economy. 

www.sisimiziafrika.com will be an household name for Africans and friends of Africa. People will meet, share their contacts, form groups, find jobs, find friends, find products and services for their personal and professional achievements and build financially viable enterprises for utility, entertainment and profit.

We, at Sisimizi looking forward to becoming your friend and partner. Go and register today; www.sisimiziafrika.com. Become a Member, Become an Investor, Become a Partner; Let’s change Africa together.

My young brother  Sangu Delle sums up with: Africas needs jobs . . .

Michael Mwakilasa . . .

CEO – Sisimizi Afrika, LLC

Some of our useful links;

Become a Member, Become an Investor, Become a Partner; Let’s Change African Narrative Together!